The Prouty 2023 (July 2023)

In memory of Chemtan's late President, David Ouellette who lost a three-year battle against brain cancer, our Chemtan & Friends Team participated
in the Prouty on July 15th 2023 in Hanover, NH for the seventh year in a row, to raise fund for cancer research and patient supportive services at
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Our Chemtan & Friends team had 17 members this year and 6 bikers, 4 golfers and 7 walkers participated in the Prouty's biking, golfing and walking activiites
on July 15th. Thanks to everyone's great efforts, our team successfully raised $14,127 for the Prouty 2023, which contributed to the total of $7,780.392.48 raised by the entire event.
Chemtan would like to extend special thanks to our families, friends and business partners for your participation and generous donations. We greatly appreciate your generosity and
your great support of the good cause.
Donations from generous people like you make us believe that there is always hope in this world and eventually there will be cure for every cancer patient.
We thank you once again for your kindness and generosity and hope you will continue to support our team at next year's Prouty.
You can see many of our Chemtan & Friends team pictures at
Chemtan New Employees Announcement (February 2023)
Staff positions in Chemtan manufacturing, warehouse and office have been filled recently after much difficulty during the past
few years. We recently welcomed Alec Creager and Emin Bakiu to our production & warehouse team, Catherine Young to our customer
service team, and Nancy Gorman to our accounting team.
We are now in better position to welcome post-Covid business recovery and growth.
Chemtan achieved Level 3 ZDHC certification (December 2021)
We are excited to announce that Chemtan has achieved Level 3 ZDHC certification via Chem-MAP for 29 of our key wet-end and
finishing leather chemical products currently on the online portal of the ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module.
Chem-MAP is a ZDHC Accepted Certification Standard and was one of the first verification systems to offer Level 3 MRSL conformance,
the highest level of ZDHC conformity.
Chemtan is committed to follow the ZDHC Initiative by providing products with responsible chemistry to reduce our environmental footprint
and to promote supply chain transparency.
For more information about the ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module, please visit
Chemtan New Employee Announcement (October 2021)

Chemtan is pleased to announce that Ian Rodden has joined Chemtan Company Inc. and will be working in our laboratory as a Leather Technician and Quality Control Chemist.
Ian earned a BSc in Business Administration graduating in 2018 from the University of New England in Biddeford Maine.
He continued his education at the Institute of Creative Leather Technologies (ICLT) the University of Northampton, England
where he earned his Leather Sellers Certificate in 2019. After college Ian was the Lead Technician at Law Tanning for 18 months.
Chemtan New Employee Announcement (September 2021)
Chemtan recently welcomed Rich Groat to join the Chemtan family as Regulatory Specialist to replace Mike O'Keefe who is transitioning to retirement.
Mike has served Chemtan for 24 years and is now in semi-retirement filling in an advisory role while Rich is training for his new position.
Rich has extensive background in statistical quality control at tannery setting. He will add great value to Chemtan and lead our efforts to follow the ZDHC Initiative.
Chemtan's Commitment to ZDHC MRSL conformance (September 2021)
Chemtan is committed to follow the ZDHC Initiative.
We currently have 30 products at the ZDHC Gateway Chemical Module.
Our product stewardship has entered Level 3 conformance with product testings already on the way and field audits to begin in November this year.
Nothing to Hide (February 2021, source:

Incorrect and obsolete information about the leather industry continues to be published or broadcast on television and radio, in newspapers and magazines, even in reports from respected organisations, including the World Bank and the FAO. Campaign groups, often with anti-leather agendas, have used this material to further damage perceptions of the leather industry. The Nothing to Hide collection is designed to combat this head-on by sharing accurate, up-to-date information and explanations of how and why tanners and their upstream suppliers work the way they do. The best in the industry have nothing to hide; they have much to be proud of, as this series proves.
Nothing to Hide will serve as a reservoir of facts and knowledge that the entire global leather industry will be able to draw on to respond objectively to criticism and to increase consumers’ awareness of the naturalness and value of leather.
The Prouty 2019 (July 2019)

In memory of Chemtan's late President, David Ouellette who lost a three-year battle against brain cancer, our Chemtan & Friends Team participated in the Prouty on July 13th 2019 in Hanover, NH for the fifth year in a row, to raise fund for cancer research and patient supportive services at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Our Chemtan & Friends team had 31 members this year and 7 bikers, 4 golfers and 16 walkers participated in the Prouty's biking, golfing and walking activiites on July 13th. Thanks to everyone's great efforts, our team successfully raised $16,611.56 for the Prouty 2019, which contributed to the total of $3,391,567.48 raised by the entire event.
Chemtan would like to extend special thanks to our families, friends and business partners for your participation and generous donations. We greatly appreciate your generosity and your great support of the good cause.
Donations from generous people like you make us believe that there is always hope in this world and eventually there will be cure for every cancer patient.
We thank you once again for your kindness and generosity and hope you will continue to support our team at next year's Prouty.
You can see many of our Chemtan & Friends team pictures at
The Prouty 2018 (July 2018)

In memory of Chemtan's late President, David Ouellette who lost a three-year battle against brain cancer, our Chemtan & Friends Team participated in the Prouty on July 14th 2018 in Hanover, NH for the fourth year in a row, to raise fund for cancer research and patient supportive services at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Our Chemtan biker team has grown to ten participants this year. They set out in the early morning to conquer their 35/50/77/100 miles rides. It was not a race but everyone of our team were determined to put themselves all out and go beyond their own limits. This year, to our great delight, we also had a special guest from Turkey joining our biker team, who brought along his wonderful friendship and devotion. We hope that our beloved Turkish friend will continue to join us next year and bring us his brightest smile again.
Our Chemtan walker team consisted of six adults, two children and two dogs. We caught a bit of rain in the morning just like last year but we all marched on with unwavering enthusiasm and determination to challenge the 10K wooded hike.
Our Chemtan four-man golfing team competed in the morning and everyone had a great time. We also had three team members volunteer at the event and one team member working as photographer.
Our team successfully raised $11,732 for the Prouty 2018 and the entire event raised a total of $2,706,094 for cancer research this year. Applause for the organizer! Cheers for every participant!
Chemtan would like to extend special thanks to our families, friends and business partners for your participation and generous donations. We greatly appreciate your generosity and your great support of the good cause.
We thank you once again for your kindness and generosity and hope you will continue to support our team at next year's Prouty.
You can see many of our Chemtan & Friends team pictures at
The Prouty 2017 (July 2017)

In memory of Chemtan's late President, David Ouellette who lost a three-year battle against brain cancer, our Chemtan & Friends Team participated in the Prouty on July 8th 2017 in Hanover, NH for the third year in a row, to raise fund for cancer research and patient supportive services at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Not deterred by imminent rain storm, our eight Chemtan bikers set out for their 20/50/100 miles rides in the early morning with great determination to conquer and succeed. A few of our seasoned bikers were able to maintain 20 miles an hour speed for half of the ride. Couple bikers got caught in the heavy downpour near the end of their ride but nothing could stop them from completing the ride for a good cause.
Our Chemtan walker team consisted of 13 members, including a three-year-old girl, a five-year-old boy and a small dog. Majority of the walker team opted for the 10K wooded walk. The heavy downpour turned the trail very muddy and difficult to walk. But our walkers faced the challenge with uplifting spirits even though everyone was soaking wet. The two young kids completed the 10K hike by themselves and were running ahead with the small dog to lead the team most of the time. The walker team marched through the finishing line in triumph and finished the wooded walk in 2.5 hours.
Golfing activity was cancelled on the spot due to the thunder shower. Our four-man Chemtan golfer team is looking forward to compete at the next Prouty.
We would like to extend special thanks to our families, friends and business partners for your generous donations. Thank you for your generosity and your great support of the good cause.
Our Chemtan & Friends team successfully raised $16,835 for the Prouty 2017, doubling last year’s donation. Cheers!!!
You can see many of our Chemtan & Friends team pictures at
Chemtan supports clothing drive
To benefit The Epilepsy Foundation
(June 2017)

In June 2017, Chemtan employees participated in the 2017 clothing drive organized by KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting and their affiliate staffing groups in support of The Epilepsy Foundation.
Chemtan employees donated about ten bags of clothing to support the event. Over 3,600 pounds of clothing were collected in this year’s clothing drive by KBW, surpassing the last two years’ total. All proceeds collected from this donation will help in the support of necessary programs and services for people and their families suffering with Epilepsy.
Exeter High School Scholarship 2017 Award (May 2017)

Karen Ouellette awarded this year's academic scholarship established by Chemtan three years ago in memory of Dave Ouellette, a past President of Chemtan, to Ms. Amber Gurecki, a 2017
graduate from Exeter High school, attending Brigham Young this Fall to major in Biochemistry. Her future aspiration is to pursue pharmaceuticals.
Ms. Gurecki was selected from a field of candidates who exemplified the spirit behind this award excelling in academics with an interest in Chemical engineering and serving his community.
We wish Amber well in her future career path.
Chemtan supports the 2016 RiverWoods Gala fundraiser (October 2016)

Chemtan proudly supports the 2016 RiverWoods Gala Auction titled “Harvest the Hope”. This is a charity fundraiser event to support the services of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
which include providing food and emergency financial support to families in the Seacoast region.
Last year, Society of St. Vincent de Paul distributed more than 365,000 pounds of food to families in the Exeter area. In addition, they saved 18 families from eviction, assisted 76
families with financial counseling and budget resolution, and served 42 homeless families with access to food, temporary shelter and assistance in finding permanent places to live.
The 2016 Gala will be held at RiverWoods on October 15th, 2016. Along with food and lively entertainment, the fundraiser will include a live and silent auction. Please save the date
and be sure to get your tickets for Harvest the Hope: The 2016 RiverWoods Gala Auction to Benefit Society of St Vincent de Paul Exeter NH!
Tickets, sponsor and donation info at:
Southern District YMCA / Exeter Area YMCA (July 2016)

Liz McConnell, Community Outreach for the Y, expresses appreciation to Don Pine, President of Chemtan Company Inc., and Dave Powell (center), VP of Operations, for the company’s generous donation to the Exeter Area YMCA’s Community Investors League.
The Prouty 2016 (July 2016)

In memory of Chemtan's late President, David Ouellette who lost a three year battle against brain cancer, our Chemtan Team participated in the Prouty on July 9th 2016 in Hanover, NH, to raise fund for cancer research and patient supportive services at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Norris Cotton Cancer Center.
Our eight Chemtan bikers completed the 50 & 77 miles rides with great dedication despite of the rain.
Our Chemtan walker team consisted of 11 members, including a two-year-old girl, a four-year-old boy and two dogs. Our walkers' 10K wooded walk was cut short to 5K due to thunderstorm forcing event to close early. We are hoping to complete a longer walk next year.
The four-man Chemtan golfer team finished the 18 holes in 5th place. Congratulations to Dave, Dan, Kiel and Tyler!
We would like to extend special thanks to our family, friends and business partners for your generous donations. Thank you for your generosity and your great support of the good cause.
Our team successfully raised $8,987 for the Prouty 2016. Cheers!!!
Exeter High School Scholarship 2015 Award Update (July 2016)

Hayden Casassa, the 2015 recipient of the Chemtan- David Ouellette memorial scholarship has completed his first year of studies in Biotechnology attending James Madison University and is very excited about his field of study and the University he selected.
We are pleased to play a part in Hayden’s current success, and future endeavors.
Exeter High School Scholarship 2016 Award (July 2016)

In loving memory of David Ouellette, the previous Chemtan President who lost his battle with cancer two years ago, Karen Ouellette awards this years' academic scholarship established
by Chemtan, to Mr. Justin Carbone, a 2016 graduate from Exeter High school, attending Lowell Mass University this Fall to major in Plastics Engineering.
Mr. Carbone was selected from a field of candidates who exemplified the spirit behind this award excelling in academics with an interest in Chemical engineering and serving his community.
Mr. Carbone, also distinguished himself by receiving recognition as the class Valedictorian, and the "Athlete of the Year" recipient.
We wish Justin well in his future career path.
ASTM (June 2016)
Chemtan has been members in the ASTM D31 committee for leather for the past 22 years. We are active members taking roles as committee chairmen, vice chairmen, secretaries. Chemtan lab manager, Lucas Paddock, currently participates as the Sub-Committee chair for D-31.04 Apparel.
Our late Chemtan president, Dave Ouellette, received the ASTM Merit Award in 2009.
Our Regulatory Specialist, Mike O'Keefe, received the ASTM Distinguished Service Award in 2013.
The D31 committee actively reviews and validates testing procedures that are used globally in the leather industry by chemical companies, tanneries, footwear/automotive/apparel producers, and fashion deisgners.
As participants Chemtan takes part in validating procedures by running round robin testing along wiht other experts in our industry. We analyze the data gathered and run statistical analysis to vet the data received.
The ASTM is a critical part of the leather industry. It improves communication on all fronts and gives us a standard language to use regarding the quality and consistency of the products we work with on a daily basis.
Chemtan is proud of our role in the leather industry.
University of Northampton (March 2016)
Chemtan has committed for the past 2 years to donate our expertise, time, and samples to run a week long lecture series and application series designed to teach the students about processing waterproof leather.
We discuss the influence of the wetblue, the water sources, the chemicals used, and the finishing challenges.
The students are expected to demonstrate knowledge by both passing a final review and by process and testing waterproof crust.
The University offers a unique opportunity to meet and engage with the future tanners of the world. Many of these students are international students and plan to join the global work force after graduation.
See news article:
Chemtan Company, Inc. Supports
The New Exeter Area YMCA
(September 2015)
Exeter, NH – Don Pine of Chemtan Company Inc. announced today that Chemtan Company, Inc. became members of the Founder’s Circle of the Community Investors League, with their donation to The Exeter Area YMCA.
Chemtan Company, Inc.’s donation along with other companies and organizations donations will be used for the development of The Exeter Area YMCA. Located at 56 Linden Street, the new YMCA will offer a full gymnasium, indoor track, cardio/weight room and three group fitness studios, locker rooms, a teen center, on-site drop-in child care, a community room and three lounges.
Chemtan Company, Inc. is an international leader in the development, production and marketing of chemicals for the leather tanning industry. Since the company’s founding in 1942, Chemtan’s engineers and scientists have been continually developing state-of-the-art leather technology. Chemtan Company, Inc. is currently known world-wide as a leader in the development of waterproof leather.
For more information about Chemtan Company, Inc., visit
To learn more about the new Exeter Area YMCA, visit
Exeter High School Scholarship 2015 (June 2015)
Last year, September 2014, Chemtan's past President, Mr. David Ouellette passed away after a three year battle with cancer.
To honor his memory, Chemtan established a memorial scholarship fund to be awarded annually to a qualifying senior graduating from Exeter High school embarking on further education in a related field of science.
This year, 2015 award for the Chemtan-David Ouellette Memorial scholarship went to Hayden Casassa, who will be attending James Madison University this Fall, majoring in Biotechnology.
Chemtan is proud to be a part of the Exeter community for so many years, and look forward to many more.
Granite State Quality Council Recognizes
Chemtan Company, Inc. for its Foundation of Excellence
(April 2014)

MANCHESTER, N.H. – The Granite State Quality Council (GSQC) announced today that Chemtan Company, Inc. (Chemtan) headquartered in Exeter, N.H. has earned recognition in the 2014 GSQC Awards and Recognition Program. Chemtan is a privately owned, small company that develops, produces, and markets chemicals for the leather tanning industry. The company has received this recognition in part for its aligned vision, brand, and core competencies; its strategic use of suppliers and partners; and its ability to manage in a complex international environment. These attributes work together as a solid foundation that guides and directs Chemtan, and supports workforce and customer engagement.
This recognition is at the Profile Level of the GSQC’s Baldrige-based Awards and Recognition Program. The Profile level evaluates an organization’s foundation of excellence – the ability to identify and address its unique operational influences and key challenges. The process for earning the Profile recognition involves the submission of an application which is evaluated by a team of volunteer examiners trained in the Baldrige Criteria. Applicants receive a confidential feedback report with strengths and opportunities to support continued improvements based on the best practices identified in the internationally recognized Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.
Anne Warner, Executive Director of the Granite State Quality Council said, “We congratulate Chemtan on this achievement. Earning this recognition is a milestone which reflects why Chemtan has been a leader in the industry for over six decades and indicates the company’s desire to continue to continuously improve.”
The Granite State Quality Council is New Hampshire’s nonprofit resource for organizational performance excellence. The GSQC helps New Hampshire organizations to become excellent through the sharing of best practices; training and coaching; and the state's Baldrige-based Awards and Recognition Program and Team Excellence Awards process.
For more information about the recognition process, how to become An Awards Examiner, or about the GSQC, visit or contact the executive director at 1-603-321-1046 or